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Surveillance: Who Wins in Bond Rally? Think About Battered Banks

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Bloomberg Originals

A lower 10-year yield may finally herald a bottom for sliding stocks, RBC’s Cassidy says

Citigroup has the lowest price-to-book ratio among major US banks, but RBC’s Gerard Cassidy sees a turnaround in the works.

Photographer: Juan Cristobal Cobo/Bloomberg


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Relief rally. Melt-up. “A wall of money — new money,” as Chris Hyzy at Merrill and Bank of America’s Private Bank put it.

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Surveillance: Who Wins in Bond Rally? Think About Battered Banks


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Author: David Howard

Last Updated: 1700259242

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Author information

Name: David Howard

Birthday: 2000-05-25

Address: 40630 Christopher Summit, West Jasonberg, WV 06530

Phone: +3943512971671767

Job: Architect

Hobby: Embroidery, Chess, Billiards, Golf, Crochet, Table Tennis, Gardening

Introduction: My name is David Howard, I am a rich, vivid, unyielding, fearless, capable, unwavering, welcoming person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.